Written By: Hawk
Special Thanks To: Damaged500, Mrcsupertrain, Lordmccoy, kuemper, Zephyr 2755, Cahmstr, Vaskor, Macki, Da Reefer Ranger, Warren, Blue Squr, KaBob799, Pig, and redmonke255.
Medium Tasks
Required Skills: 21 Agility, 40 Thieving, 25 Magic, 40 Combat, 32 Quest Points
Required Quests: Garden of Tranquility, Gertrude's Cat, Rat Catchers, Tree Gnome Village, A Soul's Bane, Enlightened Journey, Dragon Slayer, started Fairy Tale II - Cure A Queen, What Lies Below
Required Items: Ring of Charos(a), digsite pendant, 20 Mahogany Logs, at least 30,105 Coins, Tiara, Earth Talisman, Varrock Teleport runes (3 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Law), limpwurt root, red spiders eggs,
Recommended Items: charged Amulet of Glory, many runes for teleporting to Varrock
Map of Medium Tasks
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Medium Tasks
Quickest Way of Completion:
Start: Edgeville (Glory Amulet)
Do the tasks in this order: 21, 15, 6, 9, 13, 17, 5, 3, 16, 12, 10, then teleport to Varrock(14) and do 1, 2, 9, 19, 20, 11, 7, 4.
1. Have the Apothecary in Varrock make you a Strength potion
The apothecary is located in the south-west part of Varrock. Take red spider eggs, a limpwurt root, and 5 gp to him.
2. Enter the Champions' Guild
The Champion's Guild is located directly south of Varrock
3. Take the Dagon-Hai shortcut to the chaos portal
This shortcut is found east of Varrock, follow the path north once you leave the city
4. Get a full complement of rats on your rat pole
To get the rat pole, start Rat Catchers and catch eight rats. To fill it with complements, catch six rats and attach them to the pole.
5. Escape from the spider lair in Varrock Sewers with some red spider eggs
Take some red spiders eggs and either walk out or teleport out.
6. Use the spirit tree north of Varrock
The tree is found north of Varrock, north-east of the shortcut under Varrock Castle wall.
7. Perform the four emotes from the Stronghold of Security
You can do these emotes anywhere.
8. Select a colour for a new kitten
Choose you cat by wearing the Ring of Charos (a) and talking to Gertrude, west of Varrock
9. Use the shortcut under the west wall of Varrock Palace
This is found west of Varrock Palace
10. Enter the A Soul's Bane rift
The rift is found east of Varrock.
11. Teleport to the Digsite using a digsite pendant
You can make a digsite pendant by enchanting a ruby necklace with Level-3 Enchant, which requires 49 magic. You need to find a clean necklace in the museum by cleaning specimens dropped off by workers. After showing the clean necklace to one of the guides there, you will be able to enchant ruby necklaces.
12. Craft an earth tiara on the Earth Altar
Located east of Varrock
13. Pickpocket a guard in the Varrock Palace courtyard
The guards can be found right inside of Varrock Castle
14. Use the Teleport to Varrock spell
Cast this spell anywhere to bring you to Varrock
15. Get a Slayer task from Vannaka
Vannaka is located in Edgeville dungeon, just north of the obstacle pipe shortcut. He is also one of the starting points for the Achievement Diary: Varrock.
16. Buy twenty mahogany planks from the Sawmill Operator in one transaction
Take twenty mahogany logs, which can be cut on Karamja, and 30,000 gp to the sawmill north-east of Varrock. Make sure to select "Make-X" and type in 20.
17. Pick a fruit from the White Tree
This tree is found in the garden you created in the Garden of Tranquility quest.
18. Use the hot air balloon to travel from Varrock to somewhere else
The easiest way to complete this task is by taking one normal log and flying to Entrana. The hot air balloon is located east of Varrock, south of the sawmill.
19. Get a cat training medal from Gertrude
Catch 100 rats with your cat. You can use Hellcats, but not Wily/Lazy cats or overgrown cats. If you already have a cat that's gotten a medal, you'll need to pick up a new kitten from Gertrude for 100 gold pieces. Raise it up to being a cat as kittens can't catch rats very well, then head to Varrock sewers or Evil Dave's BASEMENT OF DOOM! (accessible during Recipe for Disaster: Evil Dave) to hunt rats. You will get messages when your kitten or cat has caught 10, 50 and 100 rats. Now, if you have a medal in your bank, withdraw it, drop it (if you don't want to keep it) and walk to Gertrude's house. If you wish to keep your medal, withdraw and drop it just before you speak to Gertrude, then pick it up after you receive the second medal. You should tell her that your cat caught 100 rats and she will give you a new cat training medal.
20. Dial to the fairy ring west of Varrock
This fairy ring is located directly south of the Edgeville Canoe station. Its code is DKR.
21. Browse through Oziach's Armour Shop
Oziach is found in the north-west part of Edgeville.
The Rewards
Completing the Medium Tasks will get you the Varrock Armour 2. Wearing the armour raises the mining and smithing bonuses up to mithril, plus you have a chance of smithing at a faster rate. You will also recieve a 5k experience lamp.