Text Effects

When you are talking to other people in Runescape you may see the text above the other peoples heads be different colors or move. This is the result of text effects. To add a text affect you put the color then : and a space, then whatever you want to say. For example "red: hiya!" would show up as Hiya!. Here is a table showing the colors available to you.

Text Colors
What to type Looks like
cyan: Bright Blue
red: Red
green: Bright Green
purple: Purple
white: White
glow1: Text changes from red to blue
glow2: Text changes from red to purple to blue
glow3: Text changes from white to green to blue
flash1: Text flashes red and yellow
flash2: Text flashes blue and cyan
flash3: Text flashes green and light green

To make the text move you will use the following commands in the same way.

Text Movement
What to type What it does
wave: Text waves vertically
wave2: Text waves vertically and horizontally
slide: Text slides from top to bottom
scroll: Text scrolls left to right
shake: Text shakes up and down quickly

You can also combine color and movement effects. You put the color first then the movement. For example: "red:wave: hiya" would make red waving text that says hiya!

Note (The effects are only visible on the text shown above your head)

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