Restless Ghost

You Need: All items gotten during quest .

The Start-

Talk to Father Aereck in lumbridge church and ask if he has a quest for you. He mention's that father Urhney might be able to help. Father Urhney can be found in a small building in the swamp below lumbridge. Tell him that Aereck sent you and he will give you an amulet of ghostspeak.

Helping The Ghost-

Now head back to the church and head into the nearby graveyard. The ghost will either be inside of the building or you will have to open and close the coffin to make him appear. Talk to him while wearing the amulet of ghostspeak and he will tell you that a warlock has stolen his skull. Head up to the general store then west until you reach draynor. Then head south into the wizards tower and climb downstairs. Past the eastern corridor there should be a skull. Pick it up and defeat the level 13 skeleton that appears. Now head back to the ghost and tell him you found the skull. Then use the skull on the coffin and you have completed the quest!


Keeping The Amulet Of Ghostspeak

1125 Prayer Experiance

1 Quest Point.

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