Prince Ali Rescue

You Need: 2 onions, 3 Balls of wool, flour, ashes, water, red berries, pink skirt, soft clay, bronze bar, 3 beers, and around 55gp.

Starting the quest-

Head to Al-Kharid and enter the castle, ask Hassan if he needs any help and he will tell you he does. He will tell you to speak to Osman for more details. Osman can be found wandering around outside the castle. He will tell you that prince Ali has been kidnapped and is being held captive by Lady Keli. Osman will tell you that you will need to tie Lady keli up, and disquise the prince as her to get him out of there. He says his daughter Leela (found near draynor) can help you.


Leela will tell you the rest you need to know about your disquise, now you must create it. She also tells you that you will need a key and that you must do something about Ali's guard. First head to Ned, who can be found in draynor village. Either buy rope from him or get him to make you a rope by giving him 4 balls of wool. Then get 3 balls of wool and ask Ned what else he can make, then tell him you need a wig. Then collect 2 onions and 5 gp and head to the witch called Aggie, who is also in draynor. Ask her to make you some yellow dye and then use the dye to turn the wig blonde. Next you must get ashes, flour, water and red berries and then ask Aggie to make you some skin paste. Then get a pink skirt and the disquise will be ready. Now get your wet peice of clay and bronze bar with you and prepare to finish the quest.

Finishing touches -

Now head over to the jail east of draynor and talk to Lady keli. Choose any talk option besides the one involving Katrine being better than her and then ask her about her plan. Next ask how she can be sure anyone will try to get the prince out of jail, then ask her if you can see the key. Your person will instantly create a print of the key in the wet clay. Now bring the imprinted key and bronze bar to Osman and have him make the key and send it to leela. Then head back to leela and she will give you the key. Head back to the jail and speak to the guard, who is named Joe. You will find out that he likes to drink. Talk to leela again and she will say 3 drinks should take care of Joe. Head back to the jail with 3 beers and talk to joe, ask if he wants a drink then give him all 3 beers to take care of him. Then use your rope with Lady keli to tie her up. Then use the key on the cell door and speak with Ali to give him the disquise. Now just head back and talk to Hassan to complete the quest!



You can now pass through the Al-Kharid toll gate for free


3 Quest Points


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