Demon Slayer

Requirements: Must be able to defeat a level 27 enemy

You Need: 25 Bones and 1gp.

The Start-

Head to the gypsy in varrok and pay her 1gp to tell your future. When you can ask who delritch is and she will tell you all about him. Then ask how to kill the demon and she will tell you that 2 thinga are required the sword called silverlight and an incantation "Carlem Aber Camerinthum Purchai Gabindo" She will also tell you to talk to Sir Prysin about the sword. You will locate Sir Prysin in the west side of varrok castle. He will tell you that he needs 3 keys to get the sword.

Getting The Keys -

Your first stop is Captain Rovin. Climb upstairs twice in the northwest side of the castle. Tell him that its important that you talk to him and that the demon wants to invade. He will then proceed to give you his key. Sir Prysin will tell you that he also had a key but dropped it down a drain. Fill your bucket from a sink or fountain then head to the very north east and outside of the room will be a drain against the wall. Use your bucket of water with the drain to wash the key down into the sewers. East of the foutains in front of the castle is a man hole. This is the entrance to the sewers. Head down and head northwest and you should find the key. For the last key bring your 25 bones with you. Head to the second floor of the wizards tower below draynor. Talk to Wizard Traiborn and tell him that you need the key., then ask if he has any keys around. He will tell you that he has one but a special ritual must be doen to retrieve it. Give him the 25 bones for the ritual then he will give you the key.


Bring the 3 keys back to Sir Prysin who will then bring you silverlight. Equip silverlight then head just south of varrok to the stone circle that has a bunch of dark wizards in it. Once you get him down to all red bar you will ahve to say the incantation choose "Carlem Aber Camerinthum Purchai Gabindo" and the quest will be complete!


You keep silverlight

3 Quest Points

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