Waterfall Quest

What You Need: 6 Air runes, 6 water runes, 6 earth runes, a rope.

Requirements: Able to defend against level 86 Fire Giants.

The Start-

To start the quest speak to Almera, who is found northwest of the fishing guild and south of the barbarian outpost. She will ask if you will help her, ask her what you can do to help and she will tell your her son Hudson is looking for treasure in a river. Tell her that you will look for him and then get on the raft behind her house. You will crash into a rock and become stranded. Hudson is nearby but when you talk to him he will refuse to go back. Head to the south of the small island and there will be a rock a little bit away. use your rope on it and you will cross over to the rock (if you forgot or lost your rope trying to swim to the rock will get you off the island). Once across you will need to use your rope on a tree and climb down a ledge. Get inside a barrel and you will head down the river. once you reach the shore head into the house to the northwest.


Speak to Hadley, who is inside the house. Ask him about Glarial, The Elf King, and the treasure. Once you have done that head upstairs, find the book case on the east wall and search it to find a book titles "Book on Baxtorian". Read it and you will find out what happened to Glarial. Now head to the Tree Gnome Village and go through the maze until you come to a ladder leading into the ground. Climb down it and then head into the eastern room of the cave. Search the large crates near the rooms entrance and you will find a key. Open the gate in the western room with the key and then speak to Golrie, a gnome who will just be standing there. He will drop Glarials Pebble on the ground, pick it up then ask if you can keep it, which you can. Now go to the nearest bank and put all your items in the bank except for the pebble. Head back to Hadley's house and go northeast until you come to a grave. Use the pebble on the tombstone and you will be taken down into the tomb, although it is full of level 84 moss giants do not attempt to bring armor or weapons, you cannot get in if you bring any. Go west and you will find a chest, open it and you will find Glarials Amulet. Now head south and you will find a tomb. Search it to find an Urn. Now head back to the bank and get all your weapons and armor and anything else you might need, you will have to get past level 86 Fire Giants in the next part.

The Chalice in the Cave-

Now make sure you have the amulet, rope, and urn and head back to the raft. Ride it again and get back to where the barrel was. This time, equip the amulet and get into the cave. Head down the east path, which has some level 52 Shadow spiders in it (these spiders drain your prayer). Once you come into a room containing level 16 Skeleton Mages and level 45 skeletons head to the north of the room and search the crate there to find a key. Now head back to the entrance and head to the west. Once you get past the Fire Giants use the key with the door to the north and head into the next room. Now use your key on the next door and you will be in a room with 6 pillars. use 1 air, 1 water, and 1 earth rune with each pillar. Now use your amulet on the Statue of Glarial and then use the urn on the chalice (do not try to take the chalice!) to complete the quest!


2 Cut Diamonds

2 Gold Bars

40 Mithril Seeds

13,750 Attack experience

13,750 Strength experience

1 Quest Point

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