Priest In Peril

Requirements: Must be able to defeat a level 30 monster

You Need: A Bucket And 50 Rune Essence

The Start-

To start the quest ask King Roald, in Varrok, about a quest. he will tell you he needs help helping Drezel, a monk found in a monastary to the east. Head out the eastern exit of Varrok then head north until you can head east some more. You will pass by a rune crafting alter and come to a gate. Open the gate and then head down the road until you come to the monastary. Knock on the door and whenever a voice answers say you are tryingto find out about Drezel. A voice will then precede to tell you to kill "dog". Head north and head down the trapdoor you find. You will find a Level 30 temple guardian, kill it. Knock on the door again and talk to the voice. Then head back to varrok and talk to King Roald. He will get very angry at you, saying that the "dog" was protecting the route to morytania, and that you had been tricked into killing it.

Saving Drezel-

Go back to the temple, go inside, and kill level 30 Monks of Zamorak until one drops a golden key. Go to the 3rd floor and talk through the cell door. Drezel will tell you the story of a river being blessed by Saradomin. Agree to help him then head back down to where the temple guardian is. Get through the gate down there and you will come to a room filled with Monuments. Study the monuments until you find the one that says "Saradomin is the key that unlocks the mysteries of life" Then use the key with that one to get an iron key. Head back to Drezel and use the key to get into the cell. Talk to Drezel and he will say you need to get some water from the blessed river. Head back down to the monument area and use your bucket with the well in the middle. Bring the water back to drezel, who will bless it. Then use it with the vampire coffin. Head back to varrok and get as many rune essence as you can hold (not noted) then head back down to the monument area and past it to the next room. Drezel will tell you he needs 50 rune essence to fix the damage. Give him what you have with you then go back and bring him the rest. Then the quest is complete!


Wolfbane Dagger

Around 1,400 Prayer experience

Access to the entire east area of runescape (morytania, barrows, etc)

1 Quest Point


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