Murder Mystery

What You Need: A Pot

The Start-

To start the quest speak to one of the guards found at the Sinclair Mansion found north of Seer's Village. The guard will tell you that Lord Sinclair has been murdered and they can't figure out who killed him. Say you will help out and he says you should ask each family member where they have been. Now head inside the mansion and go to the most eastern room. Take the pungent pot from the table and the Criminal's Dagger from the ground. Investigate the smashed window to find the Criminal's thread. Now leave the house and speak to a person called Gossip. Ask him who he thinks killed Lord Sinclair and he will tell you that the Poison Seller came buy earlier. Now head back into Seer's Village and speak to the Poison Seller, he will tell you that each family member bought Poison from him.


Now you must go back to the mansion and speak to each of these people, who will tell you what they used the poison for.

Anna - She says she used it on a compost pile outside the mansion

Bob - he will tell you he used it on a beehive on the west side of the mansion

Carol - she says she cleaned a drain outside the mansion door with it

David - Says he used it to kill some spiders upstairs with it

Elizabeth - Says she killed some mosquitoes at the fountain with it

Frank - says he used it to clean crest on the outside wall of the mansion

Now investigate each of these places and whichever one does not have poison shows who was lying. Depending on who it was you have to find an item from their room. Carol, Dave, Elizabeth and Frank's rooms are upstairs, while Anna and Bob's rooms are downstairs. Once you get the item head back outside and go into shed to the west, grab 2 pieces of flypaper and head back to the mansions kitchen. Use your pot on a barrel to fill it with flour then use the flour on the criminals dagger. Then use the flypaper on it to get an unknown fingerprint. Then use the second flypaper on the first one to see that they are identical. bring the flypapers to the guards to finish the quest!



2,000 Gp

Around 1,400 Crafting Experience

3 Quest Points

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