Monk's Friend

Requirements: Must be able to defeat/defend from some level 14-26 Thieves.

You Need: A jug of water and a log

The Start-

First talk to Brother Omad, who can be found in the monastary south of ardougne. He will complain about a kid that has lost a blanket and wont stop crying all night. It turns out you will need to get the blanket back from some thieves.

To The Thieves!-

The thieves have a hideout nearby, it is well hidden. To find it you must find a circle of small rocks and step inside. A ladder will appear once you do this and you may climb down to the thieves hideout. Grab the blanket off the hideout while getting attacked by the thieves then head back out. Bring the blanket back to Omad and he will be very happy.

Returning Cedric-

Talk to Omad a second time to find out that Brother Cedric hasn;t returned with the drinks yet. it is suspected that Cedric may be drunk and lost. You can find Brother Cedric north of the monastary. Give him the jug of water andthen he will need some wood. Give him the logs and then return to the monastary and talk to Omad. You will finish the quest and then see how nice of a party monks can throw. It's too bad the balloons don't leave anything when you pop them.


8 law runes

2000 Woodcutting Experience

1 quest point

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