Gertrude's Cat

What You Need: 100gp, A Raw Sardine, A bucket of milk

The Start-

To start the quest speak to Gertrude, who can be found in a small house just west of Varrok. She says her cat has disappeared and that her 2 sons may know where it went. grab some Doogle leaves from behind her house then head to the Varrok Fountain. Her 2 sons will be right to the North East, talk to them and eventually they will tell you the cat is probably in their secret hiding place. You will have to pay them 100gp to convince them to tell you the location of the hiding place, which is the Lumber yard found north east of Varrok.

Catch the Cat-

 Head to the Lumber yard and climb over the broken piece of fence. Now climb up a nearby ladder and you will find the cat. Try to pick up and you will get scratched, doing 3 damage. Your character will guess that the cat is thirsty, use the bucket of milk on it and then pick the cat up again. Your character will guess that the cat is hungry, so use a Doogle Leaf on the raw sardine and use it on the cat. Now try to pick the cat up one last time and you get scratched, your character guesses this time that it wants its kitten. To find the kitten just search through all the boxes in the lumberyard, although I have heard it mostly appears in a box northwest of the ladder. Once you find the kitten bring it to the cat and the cat will head home. now talk to Gertrude again to finish the quest!


1500 Cooking Experience

A Chocolate cake and bowl of stew

A kitten that you can keep as a pet

The ability to obtain more kittens from Gertrude, once your current one grows all the way up. You must pay 100gp to obtain a random kitten. Although you can use the Ring Of Charos and decide which color of Kitten you want.

1 Quest Point

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