Canoe Guide

Making Canoes

Canoe trees are the main part of making canoes, there are currently 4 canoe tree's in existance, one at lumbridge, one at the champions guild, one at barbarian village, and one at edgville, each of them is on the east side of the river. At each tree is a person who can help you with figuring out how to make a canoe, but with this guide you shouldn't need their help. There is also one last stop, which does not have a canoe station at it, it is a stop in level 33 wilderness.

The first step in making a canoe is to chop down a Canoe Tree, also called a Canoe Station,

It will fall onto the ground, from there you must turn it into the type of canoe you want by using a woodcutting axe.

Each different type of canoe requires a different woodcutting level. Here is a small table showing the levels and what you can do on the canoes.

Description Level
Lets you travel one stop down the river
Lets you travel 2 spots up or down except for wild stop
Stable Dugout
Lets you go anywhere but wildy
Lets you go anywhere

Each canoe looks distinctly different, here is a picture showing each one.


When going somewhere in a canoe you will use this map to choose your destination

Once you click on your destination you will see one of 2 cutscenes, the second being the one shown only when you go to the wilderness. Once you arrive at your destination the canoe will sink.



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